Jim Faulkner feels there must be more to life than a dead-end job and no social life. How far might the teenager go if he joins the British Army?
Jim completes training and joins his first working unit in the UK. The entire outfit moves to West Germany. Jim’s adventures see him discovering a social lifestyle he’d never envisaged. The teenager learns about his job, alcohol abuse, sex, relationships, and much more.
How will Jim cope when under pressure?

A four-month tour in troubled Northern Ireland can teach people a lot about themselves.
Jim Faulkner returns to Dortmund but falls back into his old ways. He leaves the unit under a cloud, volunteering to return to Northern Ireland.
A variety of opportunities open up socially and at work.
Will Jim settle in his new role, or will alcohol become a major part of his life again?
Is Jim shaping up as a soldier and tradesman—and a man?

Londonderry continues to be an education in many ways and an opportunity arises for a three-month course in Catterick. However things work out, it’s time to move on after two years.
Would Jim survive two years in West Berlin in the 1970’s, famed for all the aspects of life which the young soldier is drawn towards—alcohol, tobacco, violence, and sex?
What’s life for, if not for living?

During his first year in West Berlin Jim Faulkner faced a variety of conflicts. He had a further year to serve in the divided-city, as he returned to the UK on leave—harbouring a secret.
On completion of a rollercoaster two years in Berlin, should Jim reconsider his military career?
If he accepts the next posting he’ll be back in West Germany with plenty of opportunities, but will he make the right decisions?

Jim Faulkner started his military journey with profound doubts.
Would the army life be a failure or become a fulfilling career?
A hedonistic lifestyle almost ended things at an early stage.
Jim continues to strive to become a part of the military machine.
However he continues it began as … A Life of Choice.
How would it end?

If you’re not a Kindle Unlimited subscriber – the Box Set costs less.
Also available as a paperback trilogy … same story, same words, but in a different layout.